Browsing Electronic Theses and Dissertations from 2009 by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 1623
Cognitive appraisals, symptom severity, and obtained treatment during the perimenopause : a retrospective study
(2007)Menopause is a prevalent concern for women ranging from the ages of 40 to 60, as it is often associated with significant amounts of physical and emotional distress. Previous research has shown an association between women's ... -
Girl-child sexual abuse as a public health issue in Accra, Ghana
(2008)Girl-Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) constitutes an alarming social phenomenon. Heavily influenced by social and cultural factors, CSA is understood and dealt with differently by different societies. Ultimately, survivors are ... -
A qualitative content analysis of the representations of health, income and income distribution in the Canadian press
(2008)For both the lay public and policy makers, the media are an important source of health information. While media discourses about health are not uniform, some perspectives are more commonly reported than others. In reviewing ... -
Reliability and Validity of a New Test of Agility in Male Soccer Players
(2008)Agility testing is an important aspect of soccer and to the author’s knowledge, no soccerspecific agility assessment tool has been created. Agility is the process of coordinating appropriate parts of the body in a rapid ... -
E/raced : aboriginal youth identities and schooling
(2009)This qualitative study investigates Aboriginal high school students' negotiation of identity and identifying with school and community in relation to other representations. Within the literature, cultural and racial ... -
Can education be healing? : adult women's motivations for and experiences with university education / by Janis Cox.
(2009)"Previous research reveals that some women might pursue university education as a means to heal from experiences of violence, poverty, and trauma or to take control over aspects of their identity that have been sublimated ... -
Knowledge, attitudes and barriers toward breast and cervical cancer screening of French and Aboriginal women in Timmins, Ontario / by Michelle Haavaldsrud.
(2009)"The primary objectives of the study were to explore Aboriginal women's current cervical health practices and cervical cancer screening (CCS) utilization, to identify Aboriginal women's knowledge and risk associated with ... -
Changing subcultures from old roles to new identities : an analysis of gender through the emergence of women in drag racing / by Amanda R. Sundell.
(2009)This is a study in interpretive and critical sociology of the experiences of women in drag racing. The purpose of this study is to examine and give voice to women's gendered experiences in drag racing. The methodology ... -
Investigation into the attention profile of boys with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder / by Laura Anne Sheehan.
(2009)Attention problems have been identified as an associated problem in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), using the Child Behaviour Checklist, and the Covert Orienting of Visuospatial Attention Task. ... -
Writing the ascent : narrative and mountaineering accounts / by Justin Allec.
(2009)Mountaineering is an activity traditionally practiced in remote areas of the world by a select few participants. Upon returning from an expedition, some mountaineers retrospectively publish their account as a testament of ... -
Efficiency optimal control of interior permanent magnet synchronous motor / by Fasil Abera.
(2009)There has been a growing concern over energy consumption since the past decade mainly because of the soaring cost of energy and tight environmental laws and regulations. In this thesis a model based efficiency optimization ... -
Hasta manana...teacher : perspectives of cultural identity infusion on a group of youth in Arequipa, Peru / Maija Lamminmaki.
(2009)This intrinsic ethnographic case study examines the group identity of youth attending the Villa Chachani Community School, in Arequipa, Peru. Considering the colonial, historical and current contextual factors, this study ... -
"Lord I know I been saved" : religious experience in James Baldwin's Go Tell it on the Mountain / by Andrew Connolly.
(2009)"The world of Go Tell It on the Mountain is a theological world. Not only do the characters themselves follow a theology, but a version of the Christian God arguably appears as a character in the novel. Rather than promote ... -
Walking through anxiety : examining the role of expectancy in exercise / by Thomas Newman.
(2009)Exercise has consistently been found to reduce anxiety (Petruzello, Landers, Hatfield, Kubitz, & Salazar, 1991). However, the mechanisms underlying the effect of exercise on anxiety are unknown. The present study evaluated ... -
Thermophilic and mesophilic aerobic biological treatment of wastewater / by Shawn Langevin.
(2009)"To achieve closed cycle operation and subsequent reuse of treated effluent, individual streams of pulp and paper mill effluents are being evaluated for their suitability fur in-mill treatment. This thesis includes two ... -
Exploring opportunities and constraints associated with protected areas in Northern Ontario, Canada / by Izabela Anna Wozniczka.
(2009)In recent years, there have been increasingly more protected areas established as an attempt to preserve the biodiversity of coastal and terrestrial ecosystems. In Canada, government agencies have set a goal to protect 12% ... -
Impact of the Ontario Works program on the quality of life of Aboriginal people living on reserve in Northern Ontario / by Janis Yahn.
(2009)An important goal for many First Nations communities is to increase the economic health and development of their community by assisting community members to become employable through education and training programs as well ... -
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of breastfeeding women in Krong, Kep municipality, Cambodia / by Hilary M. Wren.
(2009)South-Eastern Asia has the highest levels of undernourishment among children in Asia. Cambodia remains one of the least developed and poorest countries in this region; the probability of a child dying before age five is ... -
The Psychobiology of an eating episode : are restrained eaters different
(2009)The anatomy of an eating episode is influenced by various psychological, biological, and behavioural factors. The research has supported the existence of a biological correlate of satiety called salivary a-amylase (Harthoorn, ... -
Determining the strongest predictor of FAST aerobic fitness
(2009)Ice hockey is a unique sport requiring a combination of well developed fitness capacities that can be generally referred to as 'ice hockey fitness'. To be successful at a representative level an ice hockey player must have ...